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'Simply Red at the rockhal /luxembourg

Proposée par Lawoman22
Date et lieu
La sortie s'est déroulée à

le Dimanche 19 avril 2009 à 19:00.

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DescriptionMick Hucknall's stylish white-soul outfit Simply Red truly is a cult band. Simply Red has released an incredible number of massive worldwide hit singles over the last few decades. In 2009, the band is celebrating its 25 years of existence.
It all started in 1984 with a cover of a somewhat obscure R&B song by the Valentine Brothers, Money's Too Tight (To Mention). The band’s true smash hits include Holding Back The Years, If You Don’t Know Me By Now, It’s Only Love, A New Flame, Fairground, Something Got Me Started, Perfect Love,… In a way, their albums became lifestyle accessories for young, urban professionals.
Simply Red’s live shows are legendary. Mick Hucknall will be touring with a 10-piece full live band on stage. Massive entertainment from his impressive best-of setlist is guaranteed…


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